What is a Birdie in Golf?

In golf, a birdie is when a player scores one stroke under par on a hole. For example, if a player scores four on a par five hole, that is considered a birdie. Birdies are considered good scores and can help players lower their overall score for the round. Players who consistently make birdies are … Read more

10 Ways To Lower Your Golf Handicap

One of the main ways to lower your golf handicap is by consistently practising your swings. It would be best if you also tried to improve your short game by practising putts and chips from different distances. In addition, it can be helpful to work on your mental game by visualizing shots and thinking positively … Read more

Golf Equipment: Everything You Need To Know To Purchase

Golf is a sport that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy. Whether you are just starting or have been playing for many years, it is important to have the right golf equipment. With so many different products on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start. This guide will help … Read more

How to Organize Golf Bag Like A Pro

If you’ve ever played golf, having a well organize golf bag is key to playing your best game. But for those new to the sport or who have never given much thought to how they organize their golf bag, it can be a bit of a challenge. Here are some tips on organising your golf … Read more

How To Clean Golf Clubs: A Step-By-Step Guide

Golf clubs are an important investment, and taking care of them is essential to maintaining their value and performing at their best. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean golf clubs: Start by removing the dirt and debris from the club head with a soft brush. If the club head is extremely dirty, … Read more

Wedge Bounce: What Is It & How to Use It

A wedge bounce is an angle between the ground and the club’s sole in golf. This angle helps determine how much the ball will bounce when it hits the ground. Wedges are designed with different degrees of bounce to help golfers control their shots. A higher degree of bounce will cause the ball to bouncier … Read more

Top 7 Golf Hacks to Improve Your Game of Golf!

Golf is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. However, if you’re looking to take your game to the next level, it’s important to learn some golf hacks. These simple tips and tricks can help you improve your swing, grip, and overall game. With a little practice, you’ll … Read more

10 Exercises For Golf To Elevate Your Game

When it comes to golf, there are a variety of exercises that can help improve your game. Here are 10 exercises for golf that can elevate your game: 1. Seated Russian Twist: This exercise helps improve your core rotation and strengthens the muscles in your back and shoulders. 2. Standing Side Bend: This exercise helps … Read more

Golf Swing Release: What, Why, And How?

Golf swing release is an essential aspect of the golf swing. It allows the club to reach its maximum speed and generate the most power. There are three main types of releases: early, late, and partial. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. The type of release you use should be based on your strengths and … Read more

How to Repair a Golf Ball Divot on the Putting Green?

Golf is a game of precision, and one of the most important aspects of the game is having a level and smooth putting green. Unfortunately, divots happen, and they can really ruin your putt if they’re not repaired properly. Here’s how to repair a golf ball divot on the putting green: First, use a sharp … Read more

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