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Golf Chilled

We Want to help you get better at golf and have more fun on the course, so you can enjoy the game even more.

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What To Wear Golfing If You’re New To The Game

If you’re wondering what to wear golfing but don’t have traditional golf attire, don’t worry—you can still dress appropriately for the course! Many golf courses have relaxed their dress codes...

12 Common Golf Mistakes for Beginners (And How to Fix Them Fast)

Struggling to Get Consistent Golf Shots? You Might Be Making These Mistakes… Let’s be real—golf is one of the hardest sports to master. But here’s the good news: most beginner struggles come...

Break 100 in Golf: Master the Techniques for Success

To break 100 in golf, play with forgiving clubs, use a soft compression golf ball, optimize wrist flexion and extension, practice weekly, hire a coach, master green reading, learn the correct ball...

The Wedge Swing vs Iron Swing: Key Differences & Similarities

The wedge swing and iron swing differ in the level of control and shot placement. Wedges require a more controlled and precise swing to hit the ball close to the flag, while irons are aimed at hitting...

5 Common Golf Swing Mistakes: Avoid These Errors for Better Performance

Struggling with inconsistency in your swing? You might be making one of these mistakes Golf is a game of precision, and even the smallest swing flaw can cost you strokes. If you’re slicing drives...

How to Become a Professional Golfer: Master the Game and Go Pro

Golf is a sport of precision, patience, and perseverance. Becoming a professional golfer requires more than talent— dedication, rigorous training, and a strategic career path. If you dream of making...

How To Hit Out of the Rough in Golf Like a Pro

Caught in the thick stuff? Here’s how to escape and save strokes like a pro. Every golfer has been there—you stripe one off the tee, but it takes a bad bounce and dives into the rough. Suddenly...

Feel vs Real in Golf: The Truth About Your Swing Perception

In golf, there is often a significant gap between what players feel in their swing and what is actually happening (real). This concept, known as “Feel vs Real,” is a critical aspect of...

Master the Perfect Right Arm in Golf Swing: Pro Tips

The right arm plays a critical role in generating power, consistency, and control in the golf swing. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, understanding the mechanics, positioning, and...

Golf Chilled talks about (guess what?), It’s all about Golf.

Here we are trying to help your golf experience become more pleasurable and comfortable.

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